Aspire. Prepare. Excel now.

Build your Network Assurance Specialist (ENNA 300-445) certification self-study plan with direct help from Cisco Learning & Certifications for FREE.

Sign up today for Network Assurance Prep and you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, including:
- A comprehensive overview of our new self-study prep guide
- Webinars
- ENNA exam topic review sessions
- And more

Get exam ready. The prep program kicks off the week of May 20, 2024.

Hank Preston

Principal Engineer​

Customer Experience, ​ Learning and Certifications


Joe Clarke

Distinguished Engineer​

Customer Experience, ​ Learning and Certifications


Patrick Gargano

Lead Content Advocate​

Customer Experience, ​ Learning and Certifications​


Ichiro Suzuki

Director of Client Relations

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