CCNA Exam Safeguard

Prepare for anything. The CCNA exam now has a backup plan.

To help you meet your CCNA exam goals the first time, we are offering two new Exam Safeguard opportunities. Purchase your CCNA exam through Cisco directly, and in the event of a failed exam, you’ll benefit from a retake at no additional cost.

Exam Safeguard

Safeguard your progress by purchasing the only CCNA exam available with a second chance at success built in. Register for your exam as usual, and if you do not pass on your first exam attempt, you can retake the CCNA exam at no additional cost.

Exam Safeguard Plus

Safeguard but better. Feel secure and fend off exam anxiety, knowing you have a second CCNA attempt locked in. Plus, for added prep, you’ll gain access to the CCNA Exam Review practice test.

Exam Safeguard

Safeguard your progress by purchasing the only CCNA exam available with a second chance at success built in. Register for your exam as usual, and if you do not pass on your first exam attempt, you can retake the CCNA exam at no additional cost.

Exam Safeguard Plus

Feel secure and fend off exam anxiety, knowing you have a second CCNA attempt locked in. Plus, for added prep, you’ll gain access to the CCNA Exam Review practice test.